
KeepYourHeadUpI'vebeenwaitingonthesunsetBillsonmymindsetIcangetdenytheyregettinghighHigherthanmyincomeMyincome'sbreadcrumbsI've ...,KeepYourHeadUp(EP)I'vebeenwaitingonthesunset*BillsonmymindsetIcan'tdenythey'regettinghighHigherthanmyincomeMyincome'sbreadcrumbs ...,歌词.I'vebeenwaitingonthesunset.Billsonmymindset.Ican'tdenythey'regettinghigh.Higherthanmyincome.Incomesbreadcrumbs,在充滿茫然與痛...

Andy Grammer

Keep Your Head Up I've been waiting on the sunset Bills on my mindset I can get deny theyre getting high Higher than my income My income's breadcrumbs I've ...

Andy Grammer

Keep Your Head Up (EP) I've been waiting on the sunset* Bills on my mindset I can't deny they're getting high Higher than my income My income's breadcrumbs ...

Andy Grammer — 歌曲Keep Your Head Up 的歌词和翻译

歌词. I've been waiting on the sunset. Bills on my mindset. I can't deny they're getting high. Higher than my income. Incomes bread crumbs

Andy Grammer 代表作

在充滿茫然與痛苦的世界裡,Andy Grammer 以與生俱來的積極性格與創作,不輕易地向負面情緒妥協,正如他2010 年的出道曲〈Keep Your Head Up〉,在歌曲中以昂揚的歌詞要人 ...

Anson Seabra

2021年10月13日 — ... keep your head up princess, it's a long road. 對,昂首闊步,公主,路還長著呢. And the path leads right to where they won't go. 這條路直通他們不 ...

Keep Your Head Up (feat. Little Giants) 中英文歌詞翻譯(Lyric)

2017年11月23日 — You gotta keep your head up. 你要打起精神. (Keep your head up, brother). (打起精神,兄弟). Keep your head up, brother. 打起精神,兄弟. When the ...

Keep Your Head Up

Keep Your Head Up-歌詞- I've been waiting on the sunset Bills on my mindset I can't deny they're getting high Higher than my income Income's b.

Keep Your Head Up-Andy Grammer - Meg西洋館

2011年4月4日 — 但是看看這首歌的歌名! Keep your head up. 所以Andy在裡面常常被弄一切都很有道理. 後來他到某種飯店. 幾乎所有飯店人員都 ...

Keep Your Head Up-歌詞

Keep Your Head Up-歌詞- I've been waiting on the sunset Bills on my mindset I can't deny they're getting high Higher than my income Income's b.

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動
